The boil is a nice touch and it's a good effort for your first animation :)
The boil is a nice touch and it's a good effort for your first animation :)
Thanks a lot!!!
It felt like it was building up to something nice, but I started to lose interest towards the end when it was just talking. I know in the comments it says that there is still more coming etc, so it can be a bit hard to judge if it isn't the full thing.
To improve the end of this one, possibly cut to some reaction shots of the guy watching. Hope this helps :)
thanksfor the suggestion and i actually doing that, zoom in the tv and forget the guy in the sofa. i kinda of like it. everythingbis more easy with a pen display.
I liked what was there but I think I would've liked it more if there was a bit more context. It would've been nice to see what he was like during the date.
Overall, it's good, but needs more to make it great :)
Very nice visuals and animation. Liquid can be hard to animate but you've done well. Sound would've made it better however it does say Experimental so that's understandable.
Aspiring YouTube series animator
Joined on 8/28/14